During the research project, I worked with Jordan Fitzpatrick, Emily Watts, and Dana Meredith. We used the Google Docs, as well as Prezi for our project. We used the Google Docs for the research paper, and Prezi was used as the presentation tool. We decided to use the amazing tool, Google Docs because it allows your entire group all to be in different locations, working and reviewing the same document, all while being able to edit and add your own information. Prezi was used for the presentation, this was a great tool that kept things very organized and looking neat.
Google Docs has many features to it, which made it surprisingly easy to work with. One of the great features it has includes the instant messaging which allows you to see who is typing and keep it all separate from your work . This feature is on the right hand side of the page so you're able to communicate with your group without having to type on the actual document, which could potentially get confusing as well as messy.
Prezi has many features to it as well, like the great backgrounds you have to chose from. It is a great way to keep your information organized, and present it in a professional way. However, Emily was more familiar with this tool so she did most of that for the group, so it's not something that I'm very comfortable using.

Overall, this project was pretty interesting. Not only from our research, but through everyone else's presentations. I learned a lot from the presentations while taking notes and observing the information being presented, as well as through watching others Prezi's and other visual aids that were used. It was neat to see how everyone organized there findings and images. I think that these two tools that our group used are great tools that we can each use in the future when we become teachers.
Reading your blog made me reflect on the other presentations in the classroom from the other groups and I realized how beneficial it was to see how they set up their presentation and the tools they used. Great point!