What is flipped learning?
Flipped learning is a way for teachers to teach in class, without all the lecture. Class time is used for more hands on activities while after school, students are able to watch (generally pretty short) videos on the topics discussed in class. This allows the students to get a better understanding of the material because they aren't just sitting and listening in class the entire time. The lecture, through video, is a little more enjoyable, and in-class time is way more fun.Below is a quote that I found is very helpful to better understand flipped learning is all about.
"Ultimately, flipped learning is not about flipping the "when and where" instruction is delivered; it's about flipping the attention away from the teacher and toward the learner."

Some possible outcomes of this new flipped learning, in my opinion, will result in students having a better understanding of what they are being taught. One site that I found gave a few statistics that I hope you find intriguing. "Impact on teachers: 88% reported improved job satisfaction. 46% significantly improved. Impact on students: 67% of teachers reported improved test scores."
Another outcome that I think will come of the flipped learning is that students will be excited to come to school. If they know that everyday when they come in, they won't be bored listening to lectures, their attention and energy will be more positive.
There are many different sites that provide support and important information about flipped learning. One flipped learning site that I found useful was full of blogs, pod-casts, videos, research, twitter and flipped
Some possible drawbacks from flipped learning could be the time it takes for the teachers to create the videos to post for the students to review. Another thing could be limited access to the technologies required in flipped learning, that is something that goes for both the teacher and students. Another includes parents being unhappy that their child is plopped in front of a computer screen doing homework. Some students don't learn well in front of a screen and after being at school all day, that's not exactly the first thing that they want to do when they get home.
Using the four hyper linked sites above, I have come to the conclusion that I think flipped learning is more positive than negative. However, I do think that it's a good way to teach, but maybe it's something that shouldn't be used all the time. Maybe certain lessons and assignments could be used through flipped learning, while others are taught traditionally in class. This is a happy medium for the students who maybe don't have access to the internet, or for the students who don't learn well in front of a screen.
Finally, I've chosen a video that I want to share because I think it best illustrates what flipped learning is all about. It's has Aaron Sams, co-creator of flipped learning/teacher who is successfully using flipped learning in his classroom and the video gives direct input from students in that class who all tend to agree and love flipped learning. I hope you enjoy!
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